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One can reason with ignorance, but it is futile to argue with stupidity!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Bah Humbug!

Well here it is the weekend after Thanksgiving.  I hope all had a wonderful day of thanks.  Next up the big Christmas/New Year combo.  I hope none have assumed from the title that I am anti- holiday.  Quite the opposite.  Everything I am against at this time of year is the subject of the rest of this article.

First up, the O'Reillycons can keep the Christ wherever they like.  They can keep him in Christmas.  They can keep him in the cupboard if they want.  For all I care they can keep him in their hearts.  It is their choice.  All I ask is that I be left in peace to celebrate with my gods, and family as I see fit.

Second, give up the mass lunacy that is Black Friday.  BF '08: Three dead.  Two men killed each other by gunfire in a Toys R Us, in Palm Desert California.  A part time employee at a New York Walmart was crushed against a door in a stampede.  This is sheer insanity. 

Third, to the electricity hogs with the light pollution emanating from your house, please rethink your insanity.  I urge you to go solar.  Many spend tens of thousands of dollars just on the power bill each December, just to out-glow the moon.  For what one spends for a month on electricity you can buy a solar set up for your lights, and use it to supplement your home the rest of the year.  I throw out a thanks to those who do use their displays to raise money for charity, with a few raising over a hundred thousand a year for their charities.

Next up is the Christmas in public dispute.  This comes down to the simple idea that everybody wants their symbol religious or otherwise, to be the most prominent.  Have you ever stopped to wonder why so many different folks and traditions around the world celebrate some sort of holy day right around the Winter Solstice.  It's been going on for thousands of years.  If anything the neo-pagans should be screaming to put the fertility symbolism back into the wreath and "Christmas tree."  Count your blessings for the year past and welcome back the warmth of ever slightly longer days.

With all that said, I say here's a toast to happy holidays and a prosperous new year.  Stay tuned.

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