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Thursday, February 19, 2009

WTF Republicans?

To my Republican friends, all I can ask after watching the news this evening is: WTF?  I saw on Rachael Maddow that the newly elected Republican National Committee Chairman, Michael Steele, says that the GOP needs a hip hop makeover.  Really? 

First, I think they need a reality makeover.  I was curious to see what would happen when the Republican National Committee voted to make Michael Steele their chairman.  It was a toss up between Mr. Steele and and a couple of others.  Mr. Steele was elected when he finally got a majority of the the 168 voters after six ballots.  One of the other candidates, Katon Dawson, quit his whites only country club a month before declaring himself in the race.  There were charges of graft, and incompetence all around.  So after much deliberation, the RNC picks Michael Steele, the first ever black national leader of the Republican party.  He has often been accused of being a social liberal by others in his party.  My first thought when Mr. Steele was elected was that the RNC was playing a game of "see we have black guys too."  Now I see the Mr. Steele is going to give the Conservative party a "hip hop make-over."  This really should be interesting to watch, much like a train wreck or car accident.  

The Republicans have lost their minds since King George III left office.  They are bragging about their lack of support for the stimulus plan, and yet there are some Republican representatives going home to tout the benefits of the plan for their states to their constituents though they voted against it.  Sorry, you can't have your cake and eat it too.  To use the words of our former war criminal in chief, you are either with us or against us.  We are against the ropes right now, and the Republicans are choosing to try to obstruct the things we need to do as a country to fix our problems.  There are Republican governors, such as Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, and others, who are considering not accepting money from the stimulus bill for their state.  If Republicans continue on this path of stupidity I hope their constituents give them the boot as well.  

Here is the deal.  Much of the mess we are in is due to Republican leadership in both the White House and Congress, with their policies of deregulation and trickle down economics.  Now is the time to work together to find common ground and solve the problems that face this nation.  If you want to follow the money, please visit .   To contact elected officials please visit to let them know what is on your mind.  

As for the coming Republican train wreck, all we can do is sit back and watch.

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