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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hot Tea Bagging Action Part II.

It is tax day 2009 and time for the insanity that is the Republican tea parties.  Throwing tea parties in protest over taxes was a good idea in December of 1773 when citizens of Boston dumped three boat loads of tea into Boston Harbor.  They were protesting taxation without representation by a monarchy that was trying to tighten the screws on the American colonists.  

This years tea party has degraded into a protest of juvenile giggling about who is being tea bagged and who is not.  For those not in the know tea bagging is a slang term for placing male genitalia in someones mouth or about someones head often with thrusting back and forth.  

The Republican party has run out of good ideas and political capital.  The Republicans have allowed the far right conservatives to completely hijack the party.  Michael Steel RNC Chairman should have told Rush Blow Bag blow it out his Oxycontin damaged ear.  It disturbs me that there are people who still listen to Rush Limbaugh and take him seriously.

Anyway I hope you have a happy tea bagging day and with that here is some more hot tea bagging action.

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