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One can reason with ignorance, but it is futile to argue with stupidity!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Rep. Doug Lamborn Has Health Care Town Hall Meeting in Colorado Springs.

I went to a health care centered town hall by tea bagging Colorado 5th district Rep. Doug Lamborn(R). As promised by Mr. Lamborn's congressional website, the town hall meeting was a spirited mix of scared seniors ready to be scared some more, and the more vocal progressives, ready to call Mr. Lamborn out for his lies.

I was fortunate enough to be called to ask representative Lamborn a question. So I asked a two part question: A. Why does he continue to quote the now discredited Price Waterhouse Coopers report, and B. How much money has he taken from health industry & insurance lobbyist. Rep Lamborn answered that he didn't know that the PWC report was discredited. Secondly he said he didn't think that he had taken that much from health and insurance interests, " maybe a few thousand dollars."

I think Mr. Lamborn would be interested to know that he has taken more than $200,000 in money from health and insurance industries. The health sector has donated $44,000 to Mr. Lamborn during his political career. The finance, insurance, and real estate sector has given $159,000 during Mr. Lamborn's political career. It is no wonder Mr Lamborn that you are against reform. You have been paid for by the big industry.

One thing I can say for sure is that it is going to be a long day at the Country Buffet. The large majority of the audience was seniors who couldn't believe that free speech should apply to people like me because I was calling out the lies they were being told by an elected leader, who has been paid to tell these lies.

It is time to call out the traitors in Washington, whether they be Republican or Democrat. If you take money from the health and insurance lobby to derail and lie about health reform, then you work for the insurance companies and not the American people. It is time Mr. Lamborn for you to step down. You have refused to call down the violent rhetoric of the tea baggers. You refuse to call down the violent rhetoric of Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh.

It is time for a health care reform for the American people, with a strong and robust public option that provides competition to Mr. Lamborn's insurance bosses. It is time for Mr Lamborn and his colleagues to do what is best for America and resign. By your lies you have shown your intent toward serving the American people. You will rule by who pays you the most. It is ironic that your views and your donors coincide Mr. Lamborn.

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