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Thursday, September 25, 2008

40 days left: What do you want for this country?

Greetings all,

There are only 40 days left until this critical election. The links below are to an exclusive interview Katie Couric did with Sarah Palin. Part one and two are about 15 minutes total, and unfortunately you have to watch approximately 30 seconds of commercials. The excerpt about her foreign policy experience is only about a minute and a half with 30 seconds of commercials.

I am not sure that Palin is qualified to run a wet paper bag in my humble opinion. She has excited the far right wing of the Republican Party, when they were not very excited about John McCain. But that is her best asset in this campaign.

And speaking of John McCain, why is it that he would lie to David Letterman and skip out on his show. His pretense for skipping out was to go to Washington to work on the economic crisis. Turns out he was down the hall doing an interview with Katie Couric. He is also trying to skip out on the debate Friday.

The fact is that John McCain and Sarah Palin are more of the same. We will get more war, more cronyism, more economic trouble, and more scandal. My Republican friends always tell me that if we elect Barak Obama, that he will raise taxes. The truth is we are going to have to pay for the last eight years at some point. We will also have to pay for what the next President does as well.

I don't know about you, but I would rather pay taxes to make sure we have a sane energy policy that involves clean energy technology. Investing now in clean energy improves our economy.

I would rather pay taxes to make sure that every American has quality health care provided to them. The fact is that as a nation we have the highest health care cost of the industrialized nations of the world, while at the same time having the lowest quality health care of those same countries. It is time for health care reform in this country. Investing in health care improves our economy.

I am willing to pay more taxes for rebuilding economy if the cost is less than doing the same things that have gotten us into this mess.

My question to you is this: What are you willing to pay for? Are you willing to pay for these things I have mentioned or are you more interested in paying for failing policies, more war and scandal.

The great thing is that Barak Obama has repeatedly said that he will cut taxes for 95% of Americans. For more information please take time to visit the following link and read the Obama/Biden Blueprint For Change.

Look I know we are all busy and don't have time to read or watch all of the information about the candidates and issues in this election. But it is time for the People to rise to the challenges that are currently facing this nation. The most important thing we can do is vote. In many areas the ballot is extremely long. I recommend voting with a mail in ballot. It will save you time from standing in what are promising to be long lines at the voting booth.

Sarah Palin speaks out Part one

Sarah Palin speaks out Part two

Sarah Palin on her foreign policy experience (excerpt from part one)

Thank you for reading this. Please feel free to pass it on to any who cares about this country.

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