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Monday, March 30, 2009

Invest In The Future.

It is budget time in Washington, and the President needs our support.  There is much noise coming out of Washington from Republicans about the budget, though they have yet to put forth any viable options.  For all of their blathering, it is not the Republicans who are in danger of screwing this up.  

There are so called Conservadems who are organizing a caucus to oppose the presidents agenda. This is mostly political posturing for the sake of gaining votes in their conservative districts.  These Conservadems are trying to be against it before they were before it.  They want to be able to tell their constituency that they voted against big government.  What they will hopefully have to explain as well is why they voted against big government when what we need to fix our problems is thoughtful government with foresight to lay the ground work for a stronger nation that is able to compete in the world and live without massive debt.  So why are we spending so much right now, and borrowing so much right now?  Because we have too.

As part of his budget and economic recovery plan, President Obama stated that we must invest in health care, energy, and education, to lay the foundation for a new economy.  We need significant investment in health care.  We the people though must step forward and help our leaders shape this policy.  A policy of universal health care must focus on disease prevention and wellness planning.  Right now we have a broken system that focuses too much on drugs and surgery that can be dangerous and have side effects.   Good health is a right in the eyes of many.  We believe that each and every individual citizen should have health care.  Health care is currently tied to employment.  This by nature ties health care more tightly with fiscal policy which has been mismanaged for many years now as evidenced by the current financial crisis.  It is time to make health care policy less dependent on fiscal policy and vice-versa.  We must invest in the infrastructure now for a prevention driven health care system that is fair for everyone.  While we invest with debt now we will lower the expense of the bungled health care policy over the long term giving back to the next generations.

We must also invest in the energy sector right now as well.  This means converting much of the American automobile fleet to natural gas in the near term and then letting innovation drive our economy in the energy sector.  It means investing in innovative products and services that cater to clean energy.  We are closer than ever to having a sane energy policy in this country.  People are investing in solar and wind energy.  We need the automotive industry to catch up.  We need to rethink the way we propel ourselves and change to sustainable forms of energy that are abundant and inexpensive.  By investing heavily in energy policy now we will save trillions in the long term when we don't have to go to war to defend limited resources that are also harmful to the planet.  

George W. Bush brought us "No child left behind," a well  intentioned but ineffective education policy.  The policy was dictated to schools and then never funded.  What should have happened is that the kids that were getting left behind should have gotten extra funding to bring them up to speed.  What happened instead was that the rest of the class got held back because schools were required to do more with less resources.  We must now invest heavily to catch up with the rest of the world if we are to compete in a global economy and reduce our debt.  We need to teach our kids to be thinkers and innovators if we are to compete in the future global economy.  Each and every child in this country should have a quality education that is developed around natural talents and abilities.  

It is also time for us to reinvest in our nations infrastructure.  Our roads and bridges are crumbling.  We need high speed rail to move people and products more efficiently and cleanly. Our leaders have left us behind Asia and Europe in high speed rail.  Our roads have been underfunded for decades.  As Rome went so went the roads.  Investment in infrastructure now will create job growth and ensure that we can move people and products quickly, cleanly, and safely in the future at a lower cost than our current transportation policy.

As a country we have some tough decisions to make.  That is why we elected Barack Obama.  We must support foresighted government and make our voices heard to those who make policy.  President Obama has promised to cut government expense and said he would cut spending deficits in half by the end of his first term.  Visit the White House homepage to see the President's agenda and get involved.  Click here to find and contact your elected officials and ask them to invest in the future of the United States to make it once again the pillar of strength and democracy in the world.  While the lobbyist are powerful in Washington, nothing says we can't be our own lobbyist.  

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